Tis the Season: Recommendation Letters

I've shared this document with the listserv and with individual students many times, along with encouraging them to watch these vids here and here.

I've also shared Dr. Vanessa Woods' slide deck many times, too. And you can find previous emails from me on this topic by doing a keyword search for "recommendation" in the listserv archive.

Pro-tip: cultivate relationships with your professors early and often. Get to know them as human beings, not just academics and possible "what can you do for me some day" targets. If all they can say about you is that you took their class and earned an A-, you may as well keep looking.

And remember: professors are under no obligation to write a letter on your behalf. Nor should you feel offended if they say "no"--that's entirely their prerogative.

Do your part to help them get to "yes" for you.


Pre-Health Drop-Ins

Have 1-2 questions that you'd like to discuss with a peer or pre-health advisor? Join us at drop-ins! Please keep in mind that drop-ins are meant to be 10-15 minute check-ins for more urgent or general questions. If you'd like to have a longer meeting, please scroll down below to set up a full 30 minute appointment with a peer (if you are a first or second year student) or with a pre-health advisor (if you are a third or fourth year student).

Winter 2025 Pre-health Drop-in Advising (Starting Jan 13, 2025):

Mondays 9-11:30 (Vanessa)

Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 (Ella-Jade) 

Thursdays 9-11:30 (Leila)

Peer advisors will be availbable virtually during these hours, and they'll be working primarily with new students. Dave and/or Yessica will be in North Hall during drop-ins, but students should still check in via qless


If you are a first- or second-year student in good standing and have not met with one of our pre-health peer advisors, THEY should be your first pre-health appointment. Scheduling an appointment with Dave, Yessica, or Dr. Blain without previously meeting with one of our knowledgeable pre-health peer advisors may result in your appointment getting canceled.  See below to set up an appointment with one of our outstanding peer advisors: 
To talk with Manasvi (Pre-Med, Biopsychology), click here


To talk with Leila (Pre-Med, Bio), click here


To talk with Vanessa (Pre-PA, Bio), click here


To talk with Ella-Jade (Pre-Med, Biospychology), click here


If you have already met with a peer advisor, if you are a transfer student, if you are on academic probation, and your questions involve requirements, schedule planning, career choices and mentoring, or applications and admissions, and want to schedule an appointment with
- David, click here
- Yessica, click here.
- Dr. Blain, click here  (Please note: First year students should not schedule with Dr. Blain. Also: do NOT schedule an appointment with Dr. Blain if your main questions involve schedule planning, course selection, AP credit, etc; rather, schedule with Yessica or David if that is your concern).

UCSB Health Professions Advising provides information and resources to students who are preparing for careers in various areas of healthcare. Whether you hope to become a physician, dentist, veterinarian, nurse, physician assistant, or other healthcare professional, we offer curriculum and academic guidance, including course selection and scheduling as well as career and admissions counseling.


UCSB Health Professions Advising Staff

Follow the UCSB College of Letters and Science Academic Advising account on Instagram!

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!



Follow us here for general news and updates regarding academic advising events and reminders!

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Statistics on Professional Schools UCSB Students Have Been Accepted To 

Gauchos accepted to MD/DO programs: are you "on the list?" If not, please consider adding your name to this Google form.


Health Professions (besides MD), 2022-23 application cycle

Application System  # UCSB Appplicants # UCSB Accepts # UCSB Matriculants UCSB Accept % National Accept %
AACOMAS (DO) 85 58 31 68.24 56.08
AADSAS (Dentistry) 45 37 32 82.22 58.97
CASPA (PA) 111 38 29 34.23 40.52
OptomCAS (OD) 16 8 3 50 70.83
PharmCAS (Pharmacy) 30 27 26 90 84.04
PTCAS (Physical Therapy) 29 20 12 68.97 72.11
VMCAS (Veterinary Medicine) 19 11 8 57.89 47.75

Health Professions (besides MD), 2021-22 application cycle

Application System  # UCSB Appplicants # UCSB Accepts # UCSB Matriculants UCSB Accept % National Accept %
AACOMAS (DO) 70 42 30 60 51.25
AADSAS (Dentistry) 43 31 31 72.09 56.62
CASPA (PA) 111 50 47 45.05 42.24
OptomCAS (OD) 11 9 3 81.82 68.57
PharmCAS (Pharmacy) 26 24 22 92.31 84.06
PTCAS (Physical Therapy) 31 26 12 83.87 69.56
VMCAS (Veterinary Medicine) 19 13 9 68.42 49.14

Click on the name of the program you are interested in to see more details on average GPAs, test scores, and schools students were accepted to. 


Attention UCSB Alumni in Health Professions Schools!

If you are willing to be contacted by UCSB students with questions about your journey to professional school, please list your name, school, and email in the google sheet linked here